Friday, November 15, 2013
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
I'm deleting my memories of you. Gone are the photos and texts you sent me. I saved them and I would look at them from time to time. Although I treasured them, I cannot stand to keep them anymore. I've removed almost all vestiges of you. I'm deepening the gulf between us. Nothing solid could have been established. I dreamt of you two times. I think about you a lot. The more hopeful I become, the more disappointment I set myself up for. I attempted to be a great friend and please you in the ways that I could. Over time, I could see the cracks in our friendship and all the dissimilarities, yet I tightened my hold on you. I held onto you so shamelessly because I did not want the truth to become reality. I constantly felt pain over my feelings. My desire was simply impossible. You could not take another step and I could not take another step. There was no concrete foundation below us. Your distance in the past year, coupled with the antagonism of your admirers, really broke my heart. In the end, I know that nothing will come out of this and that reality is unbelievably harsh. You make me extremely anxious and unsure of myself, and I can drop from great highs to a deep low. Your ignorance and unintentional carelessness really hurts me. I give up on you. I will let my feelings subside because our friendship has made me feel beyond lonely.
Monday, November 4, 2013
The flavor of life…
There’s something saddening about when you tell me “thank you”
and the magic that stays even after goodbye
A touch of bittersweetness
The flavor of life…
じれったいのなんのって, baby?
Stuck at midpoint between friends and lovers,
Like unripened fruit dreaming about the day of harvest
Because of being unable to move one more step forward
What's causing this frustration, baby?
The flavor of life…
There’s something saddening about when you tell me “thank you”
And the magic that stays even after goodbye
A touch of bittersweetness
The flavor of life…
Sweet talk and tasteless conversations,
It sparks no interest in me.
Even when things don’t go your way,
It doesn't mean you've thrown your life away.
The flavor of life…
“What’s wrong?” you suddenly ask. “Um, it’s nothing.”
But the fading smile on my face after “goodbye” just isn’t me.
The more I wish to believe (in us), somehow makes me even sadder
Rather than “I love you,” isn’t “I like you” more like you?
The flavor of life…
Those times, when out of the blue, I remember the fragrance of the one I’d almost forgotten.
I want to be able openly and honestly cherish the white purity of the falling snow more
A future tender and warmer than a diamond
I want to grasp it, in this limited time we have, I want to spend it with you
The flavor of life…
There’s something saddening about when you tell me “thank you”
And the magic that stays even after goodbye
A touch of bittersweetness
The flavor of life…
Monday, October 28, 2013
Though many people wish me a Happy Birthday, year after year, it seems to never turn out happy. As a child, birthdays constituted as an excuse to eat out, probably at a cheap buffet or ordering take out from a fancy-schmancy restaurant. I had only two parties; both were a dud. The first one failed because I was heavily introverted. Only two friends bothered to show up. My inadequate planning as a third grader was another major factor. As for the second party, that involved my extended family, which I’m not particularly close to.
After years of unfortunate outcomes, I concluded that I am bound to have disappointment on my birthdays.
Sophomore year was the time when my older brother came back from his university and I woke up to yelling. Seeing the negativity in the house, I attempted to mediate the arguments and my parents’ anger toward my brother was now directed to me. “No one cares about your birthday, bitch,” my father said. Not long before, my mom hit my knee with a metal bat because I had failed a test. The next day, they took away my computer for “talking back” to them. Clearly, my opinions are not valued.
As for junior year, I believe that was my only pleasant birthday. Coming back from school, I was exhausted yet excited to receive a phone call from my boyfriend. In his goofy voice, he sang to me.
During my senior year, I was stricken by the burden of school, anxiety of the future, and heartbreak from a breakup. I planned to meet with a group of friends and out of the three, only one showed up. One had forgotten that she had a church meeting. As for the other, who is supposedly one of my best friends, decided that spending time with her boyfriend was more worthwhile. My only friend who visited me was a family friend and I ended up eating with her family for dinner. She told me, “I would never miss your birthday.” I was grateful to her, but dismayed at the same time.
This year, I worked an eight-hour shift. Since it was far too late for a celebration, we decided the next day would be my birthday. Another eight-hour shift had passed and it was 1 PM. Then, I came home to police cars and distress. My parents had decided to have the police escort my older brother out of the house and into a mental hospital. I spent the rest of my day calling hospitals in a nearby city. I had a headache. By 8 PM, I had found him, but my birthday was forgotten.
My birthdays tend to leave me with a bitter taste. I don’t know if I absolutely hate them. Other than money, I am usually given rather disappointing gifts. It seems like most of my friends took a brief glimpse into my personality, and presented me with something impersonal and vague instead of intimate and sincere. Personally, I wouldn’t want to give anyone anything if the gift was not well thought-out.
When I give gifts, I truly want the item to be something my loved one will always treasure. I am forever proud of myself for spoiling my best friend of six years with a Zelda inspired glow-in-the-dark fairy necklace, a natural jade turtle keychain (imported from Greece), a Tim Minchin CD, a large cow plush doll, and a Resident Evil movie/game, of course, with a card. Since her mother is like a second mom to me, I bought her silver earrings with freshwater pearls and a delicate flower design. Upon seeing the gifts, her mother cried. We departed in our different ways once the dinner was over. My friend texted me, telling me that she almost cried.
Before my family friend left for university in New York, I met up with her because I had ordered the galaxy print leggings she wanted for ages. Seeing something she had yearned for become a physical reality, she was joyful beyond words. She now dons that galaxy print wherever she goes. It feels great to create good memories.
I find myself yearning to be told how wonderful I am and thanked for being brought to the world. I want to be surprised and brought to joyful tears. I want to be enthused at the thought of celebrating my birthday. I want to see a friend take on that duty of ensuring a Happy Birthday and going great lengths for a simple cause, because it's me. I only wonder when that time will come and how many more years it will be until then.
After years of unfortunate outcomes, I concluded that I am bound to have disappointment on my birthdays.
Sophomore year was the time when my older brother came back from his university and I woke up to yelling. Seeing the negativity in the house, I attempted to mediate the arguments and my parents’ anger toward my brother was now directed to me. “No one cares about your birthday, bitch,” my father said. Not long before, my mom hit my knee with a metal bat because I had failed a test. The next day, they took away my computer for “talking back” to them. Clearly, my opinions are not valued.
As for junior year, I believe that was my only pleasant birthday. Coming back from school, I was exhausted yet excited to receive a phone call from my boyfriend. In his goofy voice, he sang to me.
During my senior year, I was stricken by the burden of school, anxiety of the future, and heartbreak from a breakup. I planned to meet with a group of friends and out of the three, only one showed up. One had forgotten that she had a church meeting. As for the other, who is supposedly one of my best friends, decided that spending time with her boyfriend was more worthwhile. My only friend who visited me was a family friend and I ended up eating with her family for dinner. She told me, “I would never miss your birthday.” I was grateful to her, but dismayed at the same time.
This year, I worked an eight-hour shift. Since it was far too late for a celebration, we decided the next day would be my birthday. Another eight-hour shift had passed and it was 1 PM. Then, I came home to police cars and distress. My parents had decided to have the police escort my older brother out of the house and into a mental hospital. I spent the rest of my day calling hospitals in a nearby city. I had a headache. By 8 PM, I had found him, but my birthday was forgotten.
My birthdays tend to leave me with a bitter taste. I don’t know if I absolutely hate them. Other than money, I am usually given rather disappointing gifts. It seems like most of my friends took a brief glimpse into my personality, and presented me with something impersonal and vague instead of intimate and sincere. Personally, I wouldn’t want to give anyone anything if the gift was not well thought-out.
When I give gifts, I truly want the item to be something my loved one will always treasure. I am forever proud of myself for spoiling my best friend of six years with a Zelda inspired glow-in-the-dark fairy necklace, a natural jade turtle keychain (imported from Greece), a Tim Minchin CD, a large cow plush doll, and a Resident Evil movie/game, of course, with a card. Since her mother is like a second mom to me, I bought her silver earrings with freshwater pearls and a delicate flower design. Upon seeing the gifts, her mother cried. We departed in our different ways once the dinner was over. My friend texted me, telling me that she almost cried.
Before my family friend left for university in New York, I met up with her because I had ordered the galaxy print leggings she wanted for ages. Seeing something she had yearned for become a physical reality, she was joyful beyond words. She now dons that galaxy print wherever she goes. It feels great to create good memories.
I find myself yearning to be told how wonderful I am and thanked for being brought to the world. I want to be surprised and brought to joyful tears. I want to be enthused at the thought of celebrating my birthday. I want to see a friend take on that duty of ensuring a Happy Birthday and going great lengths for a simple cause, because it's me. I only wonder when that time will come and how many more years it will be until then.
Thinking of you, I feel a literal pain in my chest, as if a foreign object had been wedged in between the narrow confines of my chest. When I move, it twists and jolts and stings in my ribcage. A severe expression of hurt had surfaced on my face so blatantly that a few co-workers asked, "Are you okay?" I walked around monotonously to allow the air to wash away the redness in my face and restrict the water pricking at my eyes. I now remember how it is to feel despondency and selfishness. I had forgotten how to feel. It's disgusting and sick how you have ruined me.
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Over-scheduling seems to be the pillar of all my problems. I am drawn to the idea of accomplishing, never dawdling and always keeping busy. No time is reserved for socialization unless I see a beneficial purpose. Having various commitments, I feel strained by my immense desire to do more.
I see people older than me and it seems like they've hit a glass ceiling. Despite their capabilities, responsibility holds them back from unlocking greater potential. I don't want to follow in their footsteps. To me, it is shameful and disappointing. I can't be like that. I have to keep scheduling. I refuse to stay here past 21.
However, I haven't practiced what I need; instead, I've pulled myself in multiple directions. It's a disservice to myself and others. Prioritize, prioritize, prioritize, I tell myself. I won't be in the same place by 21.
I see people older than me and it seems like they've hit a glass ceiling. Despite their capabilities, responsibility holds them back from unlocking greater potential. I don't want to follow in their footsteps. To me, it is shameful and disappointing. I can't be like that. I have to keep scheduling. I refuse to stay here past 21.
However, I haven't practiced what I need; instead, I've pulled myself in multiple directions. It's a disservice to myself and others. Prioritize, prioritize, prioritize, I tell myself. I won't be in the same place by 21.
"I’m in love with you. Yeah, it’s that bad. You’re so beautiful to me. Shut up, let me tell you, let me. Every time I look at your face, or even remember it, it wrecks me. And the way you are with me, and you’re just fun and you shit all over me and you make fun of me and you’re real. I don’t have enough time in any day, to think about you enough. I feel like I’m gonna live a thousand years 'cause that’s how long it’s gonna take me to have one thought about you, which is that I’m crazy about you. I don’t wanna be with anybody else. I don’t. I really don’t. I don’t think about women anymore. I think about you. I had a dream the other night that you and I were on a train. We were on this train and you were holding my hand. That’s the whole dream, you were holding my hand and I felt you holding my hand. I woke up and I couldn’t believe it wasn’t real. I’m sick in love with you. It’s like a condition, it’s like polio. I feel like I’m gonna die if I can’t be with you and I can’t be with you, so I’m gonna die and I don’t care 'cause I was brought into existence to know you, and that’s enough. The idea that you would want me back? It’s like, greedy." ~Louis C.K.
so now you’re about to turn twenty and the world hasn’t gotten any bigger for you. you’re untouched, unloved, unprepared. your parents still pay for your gas. your friends all have internships. one of them even got cast to be in a movie. you’ve got all this talent that you don’t know how to share. you just want to fuck someone, anyone, to feel a little less like an island. the man at the McDonald’s drive-thru held both sides of your hand when he handed you your change and you cried the entire way home. skin burns. you’re about to turn twenty and you feel like you’re fifteen. you sleep for fourteen hours and still need a nap. the world is shrinking one empty heartache at a time.
you’re scared you’ll never find anyone to love you, not even well. you’ll settle for anything.
you’re about to turn twenty and they never remind you how young that is. falling in love does not make you grow up, heartbreak does, and there is more than one way to fall apart.
you’re about to turn twenty and it’s okay if you aren’t ready. it’s okay if you aren’t ready. it’s okay.
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Our routines give ourselves away. People like what is familiar and safe and widely understood. They attempt to hide themselves behind the shadow of another, yet they must cling to that last vestige of who they are or what they want to be. This appears in their words, gestures, and references. In writing, specific words can indicate a certain culture and upbringing, like one's socio-economic status or which ethnic group they belong to. Across every face is the same expression that caters to a specific role in society. It's not reinventing oneself, but mimicry by playing the same character in a show. I wonder how much people can read into me and how much they have found, and whether I was as generic as everybody else.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Expressing affection in the utterance of the words “I love you” seems so simple, but it was a phrase I could never tell my parents or brothers. I love you. I love you. It should not be such a strenuous task. Tenderness was never my forte. With significant others, I constantly choked on the words; my trembling carcass spilled out with saliva and waste, but never an I-love-you. I wrote small essays delineating my fondness for people before and struggled orate the painful passages. I felt myself suffocating with the phrase lodged in my throat. My fondness can be found in a mess of unsent, unspoken written letters and in the white emptiness of a Word Document where I deleted a typed message. My love is evident in my counter-productive struggle to permanently leave parasitic individuals in my life. Much of my thoughts about them remain locked in the safety of my head, partly because an I-love-you is not enough, and partly because my verbal delivery of the words will taint the purity and meaning behind the words.
However, when I attach an I-love-you next your name, it seems to fit naturally in my mind.
However, when I attach an I-love-you next your name, it seems to fit naturally in my mind.
Friday, August 30, 2013
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
"I’ve been in love before, it’s like a narcotic. At first it brings the euphoria of complete surrender. The next day you want more. You’re not addicted yet, but you like the sensation, and you think you can still control things.You think about the person you love for two minutes then forget them for three hours. But then you get used to that person, and you begin to be completely dependent on them. Now you think about him for three hours and forget him for two minutes. If he’s not there, you feel like an addict who can’t get a fix. And just as addicts steal and humiliate themselves to get what they need, you’re willing to do anything for love." ~Paulo Coelho
Saturday, August 24, 2013
On the second to last day of summer, I, along with my parents, decided to explore a massive mall in San Bernardino called Ontario Mills. Our choice for that day was entirely on a whim and with only twenty or less minutes to prepare myself, I came to the resolution that, that day would be a makeup-free day.
A loud sales associate selling skin products targeted me that day. He approached me in a rude manner by stepping directly in front of me, demanding to know what brands I use and my methods of cleansing my face. Uncomfortable and peeved, I had to object several times to his prodding before I could move forward with my parents.
The methods he utilized were a stark contrast to the sales associates from other booths. While he seemed both desperate and forceful, the ones in the booths adjacent to his presented a relaxed image to those frequenting the mall by casually asking them if they were interested in so-and-so’s products.
Since I had been in the mall for nearly six hours, my face was probably colorless and drained or slightly red from exhaustion. I am not offended that he had terrible eyesight and couldn’t tell that I did not have acne. I, in fact, am offended that he tried to force me into a corner to aggressively coerce me buy his merchandise simply because he thought that there was something wrong with my face.
Makeup is always an interesting topic because it is associated with appearance, where many people’s insecurities lie. I once knew a girl that dated her boyfriend for three years and not once did he see her without her combination of foundation, powder, blush and blush, eye shadow, eye and brow liner, false eyelashes, and colored contacts. Her face was such an overwhelming package of cosmetics on a daily basis that whenever she took off her contacts, pus would come out of her eyes and skin appeared tired from the weight of its daily abuse.
When that man walked into my life that day in that single moment, I felt like he was implying my face was not good enough without makeup.
Many people I have befriended see themselves in that light, which I can truly empathize with. Makeup allows one’s beauty to radiate by complementing one's facial features. The skin glows with warmth, free of imperfection from a well-blended mix of bronzer, blush, foundation, and power. Eyebrows and lips appear luscious and full thanks to eyebrow pencil and coats of lip balm, lip gloss, and/or lip stick. The multi-faceted hues of the eye are emphasized through use of eye shadow and eyeliner.
However, there's no shame in bags and lines under the eyes, unfilled brows, one's natural lip color, and uneven coloration of skin tone. I think there’s something seductive about a completely natural and naked face.
Natural beauty, I find, is often overlooked by the imperfections we create in our mind and in ourselves. I appreciate my tired eyes, sharp nose, and gentle eyebrows. A unique mole marks my right cheek, where I have childlike pink flush which meshes well with my tan complexion. I am short and tiny, but there are times when I wish I could be thinner or more angular in terms of facial structure. Where I am in my life and what I have grown into is perfectly fine to me though. In the end, I have an immense constellation of feelings, thoughts, experiences, and physical qualities, and I do not need an outside opinion on how to dictate myself as I have grown into myself and become content just being Stephanie.
A loud sales associate selling skin products targeted me that day. He approached me in a rude manner by stepping directly in front of me, demanding to know what brands I use and my methods of cleansing my face. Uncomfortable and peeved, I had to object several times to his prodding before I could move forward with my parents.
The methods he utilized were a stark contrast to the sales associates from other booths. While he seemed both desperate and forceful, the ones in the booths adjacent to his presented a relaxed image to those frequenting the mall by casually asking them if they were interested in so-and-so’s products.
Since I had been in the mall for nearly six hours, my face was probably colorless and drained or slightly red from exhaustion. I am not offended that he had terrible eyesight and couldn’t tell that I did not have acne. I, in fact, am offended that he tried to force me into a corner to aggressively coerce me buy his merchandise simply because he thought that there was something wrong with my face.
Makeup is always an interesting topic because it is associated with appearance, where many people’s insecurities lie. I once knew a girl that dated her boyfriend for three years and not once did he see her without her combination of foundation, powder, blush and blush, eye shadow, eye and brow liner, false eyelashes, and colored contacts. Her face was such an overwhelming package of cosmetics on a daily basis that whenever she took off her contacts, pus would come out of her eyes and skin appeared tired from the weight of its daily abuse.
When that man walked into my life that day in that single moment, I felt like he was implying my face was not good enough without makeup.
Many people I have befriended see themselves in that light, which I can truly empathize with. Makeup allows one’s beauty to radiate by complementing one's facial features. The skin glows with warmth, free of imperfection from a well-blended mix of bronzer, blush, foundation, and power. Eyebrows and lips appear luscious and full thanks to eyebrow pencil and coats of lip balm, lip gloss, and/or lip stick. The multi-faceted hues of the eye are emphasized through use of eye shadow and eyeliner.
However, there's no shame in bags and lines under the eyes, unfilled brows, one's natural lip color, and uneven coloration of skin tone. I think there’s something seductive about a completely natural and naked face.
Natural beauty, I find, is often overlooked by the imperfections we create in our mind and in ourselves. I appreciate my tired eyes, sharp nose, and gentle eyebrows. A unique mole marks my right cheek, where I have childlike pink flush which meshes well with my tan complexion. I am short and tiny, but there are times when I wish I could be thinner or more angular in terms of facial structure. Where I am in my life and what I have grown into is perfectly fine to me though. In the end, I have an immense constellation of feelings, thoughts, experiences, and physical qualities, and I do not need an outside opinion on how to dictate myself as I have grown into myself and become content just being Stephanie.
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Uneven coloration of skin. Eye bags. Dark circles. Birth marks. Large pores.
Be gone unwanted hair. Fade away, stretch marks. Mask bodily odors. Diminish blemishes. Destroy evidence of wrinkles. Avoid aging. Straighten teeth. Whiten them too.
Uneven distribution of hair for the eyebrows. Not full and thick, but sparse. Suck in that bulging gut. Thunder thighs and wide feet. Flabby arms and flabby legs. A flat plane for a chest. Dirty nails. Large lumps for a butt. Coarse hands. Dry knuckles. Dark knees and elbows. Unbalanced eye creases. Parched, chapped lips.
Part of me feels like all this nitpicking is making me disappear.
In spite of all the flaws I constantly see in myself, I saw my naked face and thought I was very beautiful on Sunday morning.
Be gone unwanted hair. Fade away, stretch marks. Mask bodily odors. Diminish blemishes. Destroy evidence of wrinkles. Avoid aging. Straighten teeth. Whiten them too.
Uneven distribution of hair for the eyebrows. Not full and thick, but sparse. Suck in that bulging gut. Thunder thighs and wide feet. Flabby arms and flabby legs. A flat plane for a chest. Dirty nails. Large lumps for a butt. Coarse hands. Dry knuckles. Dark knees and elbows. Unbalanced eye creases. Parched, chapped lips.
Part of me feels like all this nitpicking is making me disappear.
In spite of all the flaws I constantly see in myself, I saw my naked face and thought I was very beautiful on Sunday morning.
Where do I stand in most of my relationships? Here and there, I have established sincere and solid connections, unyielding to the time that has passed. Nearly all of my bonds with people though, are rather weak and vapid. Almost worthless.
Best friend seems to be an honorary title. Friend becomes a synonym for acquaintance. Where does my loyalty lie? I find the ties between me and my best friend ruined with the stain of her selfishness and reckless irresponsibility. We are so close, yet so far away. At this point, I have given her up. I could drop her and walk away from the cherished friendship we once had.
I desire intimacy, while repulsed and repelled from deepening those relationships. I always feel like I am clinging shamelessly to someone and once I have served my use as another stepping stone in their life, s/he will let go of my hand and I will disappear into obscurity.
I’ve fallen out of love with a lot of people. I don’t care. Many people regard my unaffectionate and reserved nature as strange. Sometimes though, I think it is the complete opposite. I felt and cared so much, and being misused by close friends has made me numb.
Expecting their guidance and warmth, their interference only complicated my issues or it was a disappointing lack of a response. Their misguided support, however well meaning, has made me feel more alone in my problems.
I don’t want another best friend, who will leave me without knowing it.
Best friend seems to be an honorary title. Friend becomes a synonym for acquaintance. Where does my loyalty lie? I find the ties between me and my best friend ruined with the stain of her selfishness and reckless irresponsibility. We are so close, yet so far away. At this point, I have given her up. I could drop her and walk away from the cherished friendship we once had.
I desire intimacy, while repulsed and repelled from deepening those relationships. I always feel like I am clinging shamelessly to someone and once I have served my use as another stepping stone in their life, s/he will let go of my hand and I will disappear into obscurity.
I’ve fallen out of love with a lot of people. I don’t care. Many people regard my unaffectionate and reserved nature as strange. Sometimes though, I think it is the complete opposite. I felt and cared so much, and being misused by close friends has made me numb.
Expecting their guidance and warmth, their interference only complicated my issues or it was a disappointing lack of a response. Their misguided support, however well meaning, has made me feel more alone in my problems.
I don’t want another best friend, who will leave me without knowing it.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Emotionally compromised, my body trembles with weakness and my frustration presents itself plainly in my usually neutral face. Beholden to my feelings, I cannot easily dismiss them. It’s not a small object that can be tucked into a faraway vacant corner and remain forgotten or put on hold. Feelings demand to be felt.
In a battle between mind vs. heart, my rationale usually wins and my feelings are left neglected. I ignore them until my insides feel like nothing.
An acquaintance once told me, “I can’t help but feel as if you’ve seen a lot of misery and this has been ingrained upon you. You put on a smile to show a happy face, but your eyes show otherwise. It’s like your eyes are saying: I have seen it before and it doesn’t really affect me anymore.” At a party, a palm reader told me that I have and will deal with hardship, and that I have an amazing ability to overcome them. I seemed to be the only person she said that to at the party.
I found myself caught off guard by those comments. My eyes, as I looked into the palm reader’s face, began to water and there I was, naked against her sympathetic gaze. The pain that I had disregarded was finally being recognized and I was very ashamed. A woman I barely knew was able to pinpoint my weakness, yet people I have known for years have such a vapid glimpse into my personality.
However, I can’t be too disappointed in them. Two of the closest people in my life are people I haven’t even met. That in itself is a testament to my reserved nature. My best friend in real life is not much of a best friend. I never trusted my friend from sixth grade with the truth of my upbringing. Outside of the house, I have a clean slate and a family life that isn’t a depressing power struggle. My image as a confident and goofy girl is not something I am fully comfortable tarnishing.
I don’t want to give it up and I am hurt more than people know. I don’t trust most people with my problems, nor do I expect them to be reliable. Putting faith in people is so incredibly painful for me.
I saw a Korean drama recently about a king’s love for a concubine, who he eventually sentences to death due to the pressure of politics. As I waited for the concubine’s destiny to be fulfilled, I couldn’t help thinking about the steps that led to her death. Did he fall out of love with her? Did he fall in love with another woman? How long can you stay in someone’s favor before s/he lets you go?
One of my friends confessed to me, “I don’t believe in love.” I suppose I’m not too far from that mindset. The fact that people can simply let go of someone is upsetting. Promises end up worthless and cherished memories are trashed. I just... cannot fathom how people can abandon others without hesitation.
My confession is that I am disgusted in myself for believing in many people and that I do not want to believe in them, because I so desperately want to believe that behind their beautiful smile, there is sincerity rather than an ungrateful soul.
In a battle between mind vs. heart, my rationale usually wins and my feelings are left neglected. I ignore them until my insides feel like nothing.
An acquaintance once told me, “I can’t help but feel as if you’ve seen a lot of misery and this has been ingrained upon you. You put on a smile to show a happy face, but your eyes show otherwise. It’s like your eyes are saying: I have seen it before and it doesn’t really affect me anymore.” At a party, a palm reader told me that I have and will deal with hardship, and that I have an amazing ability to overcome them. I seemed to be the only person she said that to at the party.
I found myself caught off guard by those comments. My eyes, as I looked into the palm reader’s face, began to water and there I was, naked against her sympathetic gaze. The pain that I had disregarded was finally being recognized and I was very ashamed. A woman I barely knew was able to pinpoint my weakness, yet people I have known for years have such a vapid glimpse into my personality.
However, I can’t be too disappointed in them. Two of the closest people in my life are people I haven’t even met. That in itself is a testament to my reserved nature. My best friend in real life is not much of a best friend. I never trusted my friend from sixth grade with the truth of my upbringing. Outside of the house, I have a clean slate and a family life that isn’t a depressing power struggle. My image as a confident and goofy girl is not something I am fully comfortable tarnishing.
I don’t want to give it up and I am hurt more than people know. I don’t trust most people with my problems, nor do I expect them to be reliable. Putting faith in people is so incredibly painful for me.
I saw a Korean drama recently about a king’s love for a concubine, who he eventually sentences to death due to the pressure of politics. As I waited for the concubine’s destiny to be fulfilled, I couldn’t help thinking about the steps that led to her death. Did he fall out of love with her? Did he fall in love with another woman? How long can you stay in someone’s favor before s/he lets you go?
One of my friends confessed to me, “I don’t believe in love.” I suppose I’m not too far from that mindset. The fact that people can simply let go of someone is upsetting. Promises end up worthless and cherished memories are trashed. I just... cannot fathom how people can abandon others without hesitation.
My confession is that I am disgusted in myself for believing in many people and that I do not want to believe in them, because I so desperately want to believe that behind their beautiful smile, there is sincerity rather than an ungrateful soul.
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Greeeeeat. Just GREAT. Another creep. This time, it’s one at work and slowly, it has become a common theme in my life. Encounter after encounter, I have become increasingly repulsed and evasive with men. Unwanted physical contact and uncomfortable conversations are not pleasant. As my friend Raphael says, it’s a “perk to being a cute little Asian girl.” Ha. Ha. Ha. Nooot.
Several months ago, I had a tremendously awkward experience with my friend’s roommate, who repeatedly put me in an unusual social position. Let’s call him “D.” D sent me messages every day and night, despite my disinterested attitude. For me, receiving this type of attention is very unfamiliar, bizarre, and new, and I know how to approach it… In spite of that, I did not have the confidence to be forthright in such an unsettling situation. Eventually, I asked D if he liked me. After confirming that he did, I told him to stop with this kind of behavior and for a moment, he did.
D still constantly messaged me. This time, he was talking about pursuing other “cute girls” as an attempt to arouse jealousy in me. I confronted him yet again and deleted him from my contacts list. I spoke with my friend about D and according to him, D thought I was the “shy type” or “playing hard to get.” Frankly, that annoyed me, if not infuriated me. If I tell someone I don’t like him/her, I don’t like him/her. There is only one single meaning: “I don’t like you.” Nothing else.
Did he think he was special? How can someone be that arrogant? Is that supposed to be an excuse for my lack of attraction to a disgusting, desperate person? I can imagine him saying, “Oh, it’s because she’s shy/gay/etc. I mean, there’s no way she could resist me. There HAS to be a reason.” If there was an emoticon for rolling my eyes and indicating irritation, I would use it now.
Months later—yesterday to be exact—D decides to send me a message yet again. My response was to ignore him. I refuse to feed the ego of someone so incredibly cocky.
My first year of college overall has been full of various creepy encounters. For one, I had a stalker in the library. I’ve had a couple of “admirers” in my classes that have been too “touchy-feely.” Thinking about it is sickening. I have needed to actually tell someone to not touch me. The past semester, I have been at school around twelve hours per day and my last class finishes at around 9 PM. One of my “touchy-feely” classmates thought it was a bright idea to grab me late at night.
I am known to be a reserved person and I dislike physical contact. I did what I naturally would do—I hit him and became angry. This was the same person that I specifically told to not touch me and this was the same day I told him that. I suppose I have a very “anti-men” attitude to me now, but I believe it’s justified.
As for my coworker, he is a twenty-five-year-old male and I am nineteen. I have been receiving inappropriate physical contact from him in the form of random embraces at work. Bear in mind that I have only met this person about five times… A few nights ago, I inquired about the schedule of one of our managers and received unhelpful and unnecessary flirtatious answers. I have decided to address his over-affectionate nature and ask him to discuss only job matters with me. If his activities are continued, I will have to contact the head manager.
That being said, I’ve come to the conclusion that one cannot act soft with unbearable people and not be too generous with the chances I give, hoping that they will change and save myself a great deal of frustration and stress.
Several months ago, I had a tremendously awkward experience with my friend’s roommate, who repeatedly put me in an unusual social position. Let’s call him “D.” D sent me messages every day and night, despite my disinterested attitude. For me, receiving this type of attention is very unfamiliar, bizarre, and new, and I know how to approach it… In spite of that, I did not have the confidence to be forthright in such an unsettling situation. Eventually, I asked D if he liked me. After confirming that he did, I told him to stop with this kind of behavior and for a moment, he did.
D still constantly messaged me. This time, he was talking about pursuing other “cute girls” as an attempt to arouse jealousy in me. I confronted him yet again and deleted him from my contacts list. I spoke with my friend about D and according to him, D thought I was the “shy type” or “playing hard to get.” Frankly, that annoyed me, if not infuriated me. If I tell someone I don’t like him/her, I don’t like him/her. There is only one single meaning: “I don’t like you.” Nothing else.
Did he think he was special? How can someone be that arrogant? Is that supposed to be an excuse for my lack of attraction to a disgusting, desperate person? I can imagine him saying, “Oh, it’s because she’s shy/gay/etc. I mean, there’s no way she could resist me. There HAS to be a reason.” If there was an emoticon for rolling my eyes and indicating irritation, I would use it now.
Months later—yesterday to be exact—D decides to send me a message yet again. My response was to ignore him. I refuse to feed the ego of someone so incredibly cocky.
My first year of college overall has been full of various creepy encounters. For one, I had a stalker in the library. I’ve had a couple of “admirers” in my classes that have been too “touchy-feely.” Thinking about it is sickening. I have needed to actually tell someone to not touch me. The past semester, I have been at school around twelve hours per day and my last class finishes at around 9 PM. One of my “touchy-feely” classmates thought it was a bright idea to grab me late at night.
I am known to be a reserved person and I dislike physical contact. I did what I naturally would do—I hit him and became angry. This was the same person that I specifically told to not touch me and this was the same day I told him that. I suppose I have a very “anti-men” attitude to me now, but I believe it’s justified.
As for my coworker, he is a twenty-five-year-old male and I am nineteen. I have been receiving inappropriate physical contact from him in the form of random embraces at work. Bear in mind that I have only met this person about five times… A few nights ago, I inquired about the schedule of one of our managers and received unhelpful and unnecessary flirtatious answers. I have decided to address his over-affectionate nature and ask him to discuss only job matters with me. If his activities are continued, I will have to contact the head manager.
That being said, I’ve come to the conclusion that one cannot act soft with unbearable people and not be too generous with the chances I give, hoping that they will change and save myself a great deal of frustration and stress.
Friday, May 31, 2013

Words cannot possibly explain how pleased I am with the live action adaption of Rurouni Kenshin. I have legitimately rewatched the movie every night before I go to bed and the more I watch it, the more I fall in love with the story. Rurouni Kenshin has been a big part of my life, especially my childhood, and it has gained its own throne as my favorite show of all time. Nothing can or will ever usurp it.
Every day at dinner, starting from third grade, I was utterly immersed in the story. I was beyond obsessed and you could say I had my eyes surgically attached to the television. Eventually, the plot went in a more graphic direction and the animated show was then shown late at night. I fought against my body’s time clock and broke my curfew as much as possible to keep up with the new episodes. The last arc of the story was never animated and the show was cancelled, thus causing me to resort to reading the manga.

From images on a screen to paper, and finally translated into a physical reality, I remain astounded that the story that filled my childhood with much joy was no longer two-dimensional. I have always had a desire to see this story come to life. No matter how many times I watched or read Rurouni Kenshin, there was a sense of satisfaction, yet a yearning for completeness.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Growing up, I had a skewed image of myself. I wore sizes too large for my figure thanks to my mom. I bought my first tank top from Old Navy and was shocked that I could fit into an XS top. My friend thinks it was cruel of my mom to dress me in M, L, and XL.
I developed an image of what is the ideal body type according to the environment around me and constantly compared my body to others’, which left me with a sense of inadequacy and frustration. Despite being pretty lean myself, I wanted a smaller figure.
I saw my thighs as slabs of unwanted fat, pouring out from the holes of my underwear and closing the gap between my thighs. I found my arms flabby and my face chubby with the roundness of my cheeks. With pores like mine, my face would never be smooth and my eyebrows would forever remain bushy.
Going into high school was a bit of a cultural shock. Gorgeous rich school and gorgeous rich people. At the time, I focused entirely on my academic performance and my self-esteem remained unfixed. Out of high school and into college, I saw a new chapter in my life unfolding and revamped my entire wardrobe, experimented more with makeup, and socialized at school. I focused on myself.
For me, that was a huge transition. I didn't indulge in myself and when I did, I learned my worth. Yeah, sometimes it is okay to treat yourself. With that, the weight of my negativity shed away.
I once was a girl that wanted to weigh a hundred pounds, which is foolish of me, because I would be underweight if I were. I now am nineteen-years-old young adult and I can truthfully say that I am satisfied with my appearance and body—for the most part. I struggle to accept my body even now and I should be proud of my size. What I am now is what I am meant to be—there’s no going against that. Loving yourself is a process that must take its course and a healthy body image comes with time.
Monday, May 13, 2013
Deconstructing and reforming things to make sense of it all. The old pieces no longer fit into the puzzle. Relationships form and break. Sometimes they fizzle out and you’re left holding onto the dusty ashes. The change cannot be undone and here you sit, wondering how Point A led to Point B. I’m a little nostalgic, a little saddened, and a little optimistic.
My friend left for the military not too long ago. Already, I miss that person. I have been reading past chatlogs and, thinking of the words I could have said and the actions I could have done. It’s strange how we became close in a short amount of time and that person will now be out of the state for three to five years.
Last week, my father came home with bad news. His coworker and best friend passed away. Four weeks in the hospital and he dies. Big personality, but weak lungs, kidneys, heart, and liver. Like my dad stated, “I thought Ramon was stronger.” I found myself unaffected, and then the weight of the news finally sunk in yesterday. I knew this person for four years and did not have many interactions with him, yet I found myself caring and upset. I suppose there is no real way of preparing for unfortunate events such as death. It’s always so shocking. This is the fifth death that has happened in my life. My grandfather, three students from my high school, and Ramon.
Another change in my life has been my employment. Words cannot express how grateful I am to work in retail. #YOLO It is like HEAVEN compared to my former position as a cashier at a shitty fast food restaurant. I had known my coworkers in my previous job for about two months and I felt somewhat guilty that I was leaving them and for the possible connections that we could have had.
Despite being told about the inappropriate behavior/conduct of my managers and peers there, I still felt some level of regret and attachment. As for my new work environment, my new coworkers are far more friendly and open. Management is extremely organized, yet laidback. I am truly happier here, and I know that working here will give me the tools for being successful in the future.
With my transition into college, I have made several encounters at the library. The people I knew in my younger days weave in and out of my life. It is amazing how some bonds between people have diffused; we’re all so spread out, opening up new chapters in our lives. I’ve managed to remain close friends with many and the “best friends” that I believed would remain in my life have left. So many unexpected things unfolding before me and no defined destination in life. I don’t feel ready, but I am sure I will be fine.
My friend left for the military not too long ago. Already, I miss that person. I have been reading past chatlogs and, thinking of the words I could have said and the actions I could have done. It’s strange how we became close in a short amount of time and that person will now be out of the state for three to five years.
Last week, my father came home with bad news. His coworker and best friend passed away. Four weeks in the hospital and he dies. Big personality, but weak lungs, kidneys, heart, and liver. Like my dad stated, “I thought Ramon was stronger.” I found myself unaffected, and then the weight of the news finally sunk in yesterday. I knew this person for four years and did not have many interactions with him, yet I found myself caring and upset. I suppose there is no real way of preparing for unfortunate events such as death. It’s always so shocking. This is the fifth death that has happened in my life. My grandfather, three students from my high school, and Ramon.
Another change in my life has been my employment. Words cannot express how grateful I am to work in retail. #YOLO It is like HEAVEN compared to my former position as a cashier at a shitty fast food restaurant. I had known my coworkers in my previous job for about two months and I felt somewhat guilty that I was leaving them and for the possible connections that we could have had.
Despite being told about the inappropriate behavior/conduct of my managers and peers there, I still felt some level of regret and attachment. As for my new work environment, my new coworkers are far more friendly and open. Management is extremely organized, yet laidback. I am truly happier here, and I know that working here will give me the tools for being successful in the future.
With my transition into college, I have made several encounters at the library. The people I knew in my younger days weave in and out of my life. It is amazing how some bonds between people have diffused; we’re all so spread out, opening up new chapters in our lives. I’ve managed to remain close friends with many and the “best friends” that I believed would remain in my life have left. So many unexpected things unfolding before me and no defined destination in life. I don’t feel ready, but I am sure I will be fine.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
I am scared of everything in my life. My life as of late is a mixture of school, work, and family issues mashed together in a wild clusterfuck. I don't feel strong. I want to cry so much. This week, I turned 19. Despite being a young adult, I feel absolutely directionless. I am helpless, frustrated, anxious, and disgusted with how overwhelming my life seems to be.
At school, I am there for long hours and I have had numerous unnecessary and unwanted encounters with men. Seeing dimensions of such behavior, I am, piece by piece, becoming increasingly suspicious men. No, I do not want you to touch me. No, I will not tolerate racism, nor will I condone sexist comments and/or invasion of privacy. I believe I have I have always kept a healthy distance from unfamiliar people, men and women, and I do not see myself as someone of a particularly sexist viewpoint. However, these negative encounters with the opposite gender have become much more frequent. Therefore, I feel that I may have to become more aware of myself and my surroundings, along with the people I associate with.
The day of my birthday, Thursday, I had a long shift and the day after, I had work from 5 AM to 10 AM. That being said, celebration of my birthday had to be postponed to Friday. Thursday night, my mother was complaining about my older brother and when I came back from work on Friday, I came home to police cars parked outside my house. I guessed correctly; my mom being the irrational person that she is, called the police to have them remove my older brother from the house. I should not have to come home from work to see my older brother being taken away by police. My parents were complaining to the police about my older brother's introverted nature and as a result, they took him to a psychiatric center, which I did not learn about until much later. I spent my entire Friday calling hospitals to find his location and dealing with terrible customer service.
My brother barely speaks to my parents. Their behavior is what repels him. They are closed-minded and overreact in the most extreme manner. I am disgusted with the fact I am related to parasitic shits that always abuse people verbally and physically. Growing up, they pushed us to achieve academically and there was always an atmosphere of fear in the household. These are the type of parents that would leave their child in the backyard for a whole night for "misbehaving." These are the same type of parents that would get upset with me for failing a test and then hit me in knee with a metal bat out of anger. Now, they rarely ever resort to violence, but they remain the excessively arrogant, authoritative people in a more subtle manner. To be frank, I am leaving out a large amount of information, but my older brother is not altogether. I have always had to protect him and I have to take care of him now.
Working part-time while going to college full-time, I am barely getting by with handling school and work. I'm stressed. Even my dog is stressed. Sophie has been sleeping in the living room instead of her bed upstairs, waiting for him for three days straight. I can't concentrate. It's just another down swing and I have to hope that it evens out, is what I keep telling myself. I have to formulate some sort of method of supporting him. My parents cannot possibly fathom how much stress I am under. My older brother nearly committed suicide when I was in eighth grade and my younger brother has ADD. Both are extremely socially anxious and introverted. To them, I am the "normal" one and most responsibilities go to me. I don't feel normal or alright. I feel overwhelmed and afraid of everything in my life. I feel alone with these type of thoughts.
Out of my brothers, I am the most social. I actually barely socialize now, as I do not have enough time, but I am not the socially awkward one in the family. I have to maintain my reputation. Responsibility of my appearance and achievements are capitalized. Lately, I have not had much time to converse with my best friend. Moreover, he is far too busy for me now. I was told that he has been depressed, leaving me frustrated because I cannot be a physical contrast troubles in his life, and as for me, I miss my best friend and I need his support as well... I don't know. I must persevere although I am taking on more than I feel that I can handle.
At school, I am there for long hours and I have had numerous unnecessary and unwanted encounters with men. Seeing dimensions of such behavior, I am, piece by piece, becoming increasingly suspicious men. No, I do not want you to touch me. No, I will not tolerate racism, nor will I condone sexist comments and/or invasion of privacy. I believe I have I have always kept a healthy distance from unfamiliar people, men and women, and I do not see myself as someone of a particularly sexist viewpoint. However, these negative encounters with the opposite gender have become much more frequent. Therefore, I feel that I may have to become more aware of myself and my surroundings, along with the people I associate with.
The day of my birthday, Thursday, I had a long shift and the day after, I had work from 5 AM to 10 AM. That being said, celebration of my birthday had to be postponed to Friday. Thursday night, my mother was complaining about my older brother and when I came back from work on Friday, I came home to police cars parked outside my house. I guessed correctly; my mom being the irrational person that she is, called the police to have them remove my older brother from the house. I should not have to come home from work to see my older brother being taken away by police. My parents were complaining to the police about my older brother's introverted nature and as a result, they took him to a psychiatric center, which I did not learn about until much later. I spent my entire Friday calling hospitals to find his location and dealing with terrible customer service.
My brother barely speaks to my parents. Their behavior is what repels him. They are closed-minded and overreact in the most extreme manner. I am disgusted with the fact I am related to parasitic shits that always abuse people verbally and physically. Growing up, they pushed us to achieve academically and there was always an atmosphere of fear in the household. These are the type of parents that would leave their child in the backyard for a whole night for "misbehaving." These are the same type of parents that would get upset with me for failing a test and then hit me in knee with a metal bat out of anger. Now, they rarely ever resort to violence, but they remain the excessively arrogant, authoritative people in a more subtle manner. To be frank, I am leaving out a large amount of information, but my older brother is not altogether. I have always had to protect him and I have to take care of him now.
Working part-time while going to college full-time, I am barely getting by with handling school and work. I'm stressed. Even my dog is stressed. Sophie has been sleeping in the living room instead of her bed upstairs, waiting for him for three days straight. I can't concentrate. It's just another down swing and I have to hope that it evens out, is what I keep telling myself. I have to formulate some sort of method of supporting him. My parents cannot possibly fathom how much stress I am under. My older brother nearly committed suicide when I was in eighth grade and my younger brother has ADD. Both are extremely socially anxious and introverted. To them, I am the "normal" one and most responsibilities go to me. I don't feel normal or alright. I feel overwhelmed and afraid of everything in my life. I feel alone with these type of thoughts.
Out of my brothers, I am the most social. I actually barely socialize now, as I do not have enough time, but I am not the socially awkward one in the family. I have to maintain my reputation. Responsibility of my appearance and achievements are capitalized. Lately, I have not had much time to converse with my best friend. Moreover, he is far too busy for me now. I was told that he has been depressed, leaving me frustrated because I cannot be a physical contrast troubles in his life, and as for me, I miss my best friend and I need his support as well... I don't know. I must persevere although I am taking on more than I feel that I can handle.
I hate myself
I despise this world that never believed in me
As a matter of fact, I always pray and pray for these motherfuckers' downfall
Jealousy and envy always get the best of me
Next thing I know, I turn evil
But I keep fronting
Telling myself "I don't need no money and fame. Fuck 'em."
I'm a slave of this moment
I'm a slave of Time
And I'm a slave of this mundane loop of life
Yup, it's that time again
I gotta do what time tells me to do
Yes massah!
Time tells me to forget about what I want and dream and do the same thing that I do
Yes massah!
I wanna fight, break these chains, run away from this plantation of time
But I'm a coward
I won't say nothing
I can't say nothing
But when I'm drunk, I turn into a warrior from "300"
And I'm about to destroy and crush all the things that I envy
All the things that I wanna get but I will never get
I'm a coward
And I hate myself
Cuz when it rains, it pours but I would never give up
Gonna see the storm through and change my luck
It just another day so I know it's ok
Cuz when it rains, it pours but I would never give up
Gonna see the storm through and change my luck
It just another day so I know it's ok
I live in a world, where you can even buy love with money
Half my brain is filled with money
The other half is filled with numbers
All I do is calculate
And the stairway to heaven seems so far away
You can change weather with money
You can move the hot July sun over the winter storm
One poet once told me "The definition of Haves and Have Nots is only a state of mind."
But fuck–that motherfucker's crazy
He must be smoking something when he wrote that line
But yeah, he fooled me. He fooled me good
I was a fool on a stage rocking mics, jumping around
All I wanted was to get props from the crowd
All I wanted to hear was "Hey"s and "Ho"s really loud
But things changed
I know too much
I just want to live
I just want to have
And I'm willing to do anything to live and to have
But all I know how to do is rock mics, jump around and get "Hey"s and "Ho"s
But at the end of the day, I'm out of dough
And I told you, I'm a coward
And mo'fucka, don't you dare take this shit away from me
Cuz I'll kill you
But I know I won't
Tell you the truth–I'm scared as hell, man
I told you I was a coward
I don't believe in destiny
But I blame destiny
And I blame the President
I saw a reflection of myself off the bling from a fat ride
Parked in a bougie ass mothafuckin restaurant
And that mothafucka looked so sad
I hate myself
Cuz when it rains it pours but I would never give up
Gonna see the storm through and change my luck
It just another day so I know it's ok
Cuz when it rains it pours but I would never give up
Gonna see the storm through and change my luck
It just another day so I know it's ok
I should have prayed for my future
As much as I have prayed for your downfall
Always the next mothafucka seems to have more than me
But I have just enough to get by
If I don't hold on, I will die
Cuz this mothafucka named MYELITIS always looking for a chance to kill me
And if I don't hold on, my family will starve
I get strength from the next mothafucka that's sicker than me
The sword of guilty conscience's always sticking me, slicing my heart
And my heart feels the blade
And mothafuckin shit hurts
I try to measure the next mothafuckas happiness with mine
And I try to measure the next mothafuckas tragedy with mine
And I go crazy sometimes
Which side am I on?
But all I know for sure is that everything's a lie
Or is it?
Reporters, Grifters, Reporters, Hustlers, Reporters, Grifters, Tvs, Hustlers
Mothafuckin Propaganda
Shit, here it goes again
The media's moving the crowd's mind like I move the crowd with my mic
Yeah mothafuckas
Please take my sword away and stick it where it belongs
Please stick it in your heart
Please try
Feel my pain
Scream my name
Take my friends
Fuck it!
Take him, too
This mothafucka named Myelitis
Once you get a piece of my mind that plays tricks on me sometimes
Or maybe all the time
And please take the cyst off my mom's womb
I wrote my name on a white piece of paper–
3 Letters–"Jun Kwon Suh"
Which gave him the right to my soul
The right to my youth
Man, ten years gone.
I was prostituted, pimped, pimp slapped
My soul was at the lowest of the food chain
And shit, I'm still chained up
Even when I'm free
Yeah, I'm jealous
I envy you
And I hate you
And I hate myself for that
Friday, March 22, 2013
From the simple blouse you incorporated into your wardrobe to the way you wore your hair in a loosely styled bun, it seems that your choices and the way you present yourself overall can constitute as indicators of your personality. People who may enjoy a wide assortment of music will have a select few genres as favorites that speak volumes about them. Not surprisingly, music can be seen as an extension of our identity, hence why people feel insulted when their favorite music artist is referred to scathingly.
Four Dimensions of Music Preferences:
- Energetic and Rhythmic (hip-hop/dance/soul/electronica/funk): Positively correlated with extraversion, agreeableness, political liberalism, physical attractiveness, and athleticism. Negatively correlated with "social dominance orientation" and political conservatism.
- Upbeat and Conventional (religious/country/pop): Positively correlated with extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, self-esteem, political conservatism, physical attractiveness (self-perceived), wealth, and athleticism. Negatively correlated with emotional stability, openness to experience, "social dominance orientation," depression, political liberalism, intelligence, and verbal ability.
- Reflexive and Complex (blues/classical/folk/jazz): Positively correlated with openness to experience, "self-perceived intelligence," verbal ability, emotional stability, and political liberalism. Negatively correlated with "social dominance orientation," political conservatism, wealth, and athleticism.
- Intense and Rebellious (heavy metal/rock/alternate rock): Positively correlated with openness to experience, extroversion, athleticism, "self-perceived intelligence," "social dominance orientation," and verbal ability.
School. Study. Work. School. Work. Study. Work. Study. Work. Study. That is a brusque, yet accurate description of my schedule. On Mondays and Wednesdays, I have Psychology at 8:00 AM and one hour in between, before my General Biology class. Afterward, there is a two to five hour slot of time reserved entirely for studying, relaxing, eating, and/or napping. My last class begins at 7:00 PM and ends at 8:50 PM. Every other day, I am working. My shifts for work fluctuate, but once I finish my shifts, I studystudystudy.
Being a full-time student while working part-time is more stressful than I had originally anticipated. The small time frame left in the day that is not consumed by school, work, or studying is usually my time for relaxing. Another way to put it is spacing out, sleeping, eating at home because I forget to eat at/before school and work, or communicating with some friends to compensate for my slowly depleting social life.
I can't say I'm a fan of school or work right now. My professor for General Biology is overbearing personality-wise. He is loud, rude, picks favorites, and his exams are impossible. As someone who has never scored below average, I am not confident with this class, as I cannot see any defined direction of where I am headed with this class. Work is an entirely new story. In a few mere months, I have attained a great deal of knowledge on how to conduct myself socially, multi-task efficiently and quickly, work as a member of a team, and customer service skills. However, working in a restaurant has exposed me to a new side to people. I can truthfully say that customers are unreasonable, but it's a circumstance where you must simply bear with inappropriate behavior, bite your tongue, and swallow your pride because the customer is "always right."
This depresses me to some level, because children, possibly fourteen to sixteen-years-old, are being introduced into the labor force and face appalling behavior from adults. Without a doubt, this experience has made me much more empathetic toward workers. I am going to be a kind customer to all employees of any work environment, not that I was ever a terrible customer to anyone.
To be frank, this entire week has felt like a nightmare for me. A few days ago, a stranger tried to stalk me via Facebook while I was sitting across from him at the school library. He almost sent me a friend request had I not given him the excuse that I only use Facebook for contacting classmates for help with school (which is half true). I then forced one of friend to come fetch me once her class was over so I could escape being put in yet another unfavorable position. I have only had a few interactions with this person, but every time I see him, I want to turn the other way. He is over-affectionate and consistently tries to touch me, which is not within my comfort level. (Plus, he smells.) Moreover, he becomes excessively excited; he starts speaking loudly to get my attention and waves his hands/arms around violently, while making a huge grin.
Keep in mind that I barely associate with him... but I think that even without that fact, my reasons for feeling uncomfortable are completely validated. Along with that, I have seen his deviantART, which seems to be an outlet for him. Journal entry after entry, his deviantART is full of whining about not having a "girl." Not long before the stalking incident, he tried to subtly ask me about my romantic life repeatedly and I told him I have no interest in dating anyone in my college. I simply do not trust his intentions whatsoever. I believe I will now be avoiding the school library.
Another incident I had this week was with a stupid, ignorant fuck. I texted a classmate about the previous situation. I received this as a response, "You're an Asian female, so don't you have to be the super quiet, submissive type?" Excuse me? If you did not send that through text, you would regret speaking to me in that manner.
As for work, I believe that further details are not necessary. Work is work, and customers are terrible. Overall, I am frustrated with people and, their inexhaustible ability to be difficult and overbearing, but I will keep my head up and have a better day.
Being a full-time student while working part-time is more stressful than I had originally anticipated. The small time frame left in the day that is not consumed by school, work, or studying is usually my time for relaxing. Another way to put it is spacing out, sleeping, eating at home because I forget to eat at/before school and work, or communicating with some friends to compensate for my slowly depleting social life.
I can't say I'm a fan of school or work right now. My professor for General Biology is overbearing personality-wise. He is loud, rude, picks favorites, and his exams are impossible. As someone who has never scored below average, I am not confident with this class, as I cannot see any defined direction of where I am headed with this class. Work is an entirely new story. In a few mere months, I have attained a great deal of knowledge on how to conduct myself socially, multi-task efficiently and quickly, work as a member of a team, and customer service skills. However, working in a restaurant has exposed me to a new side to people. I can truthfully say that customers are unreasonable, but it's a circumstance where you must simply bear with inappropriate behavior, bite your tongue, and swallow your pride because the customer is "always right."
This depresses me to some level, because children, possibly fourteen to sixteen-years-old, are being introduced into the labor force and face appalling behavior from adults. Without a doubt, this experience has made me much more empathetic toward workers. I am going to be a kind customer to all employees of any work environment, not that I was ever a terrible customer to anyone.
To be frank, this entire week has felt like a nightmare for me. A few days ago, a stranger tried to stalk me via Facebook while I was sitting across from him at the school library. He almost sent me a friend request had I not given him the excuse that I only use Facebook for contacting classmates for help with school (which is half true). I then forced one of friend to come fetch me once her class was over so I could escape being put in yet another unfavorable position. I have only had a few interactions with this person, but every time I see him, I want to turn the other way. He is over-affectionate and consistently tries to touch me, which is not within my comfort level. (Plus, he smells.) Moreover, he becomes excessively excited; he starts speaking loudly to get my attention and waves his hands/arms around violently, while making a huge grin.
Keep in mind that I barely associate with him... but I think that even without that fact, my reasons for feeling uncomfortable are completely validated. Along with that, I have seen his deviantART, which seems to be an outlet for him. Journal entry after entry, his deviantART is full of whining about not having a "girl." Not long before the stalking incident, he tried to subtly ask me about my romantic life repeatedly and I told him I have no interest in dating anyone in my college. I simply do not trust his intentions whatsoever. I believe I will now be avoiding the school library.
Another incident I had this week was with a stupid, ignorant fuck. I texted a classmate about the previous situation. I received this as a response, "You're an Asian female, so don't you have to be the super quiet, submissive type?" Excuse me? If you did not send that through text, you would regret speaking to me in that manner.
As for work, I believe that further details are not necessary. Work is work, and customers are terrible. Overall, I am frustrated with people and, their inexhaustible ability to be difficult and overbearing, but I will keep my head up and have a better day.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
I have changed. No doubt about that.
Last Thursday, I had a seven-hour shift at work and during my ten-minute break, I caught sight of a man I once knew. He was the father of my ex-best friend, whom I now have a very convoluted, unstable relationship with. Amused with seeing a familiar face, I sent his daughter a text. I then received a friendly reply about him being unemployed and using the restaurant’s free Internet connection to complete online job applications. I simply informed her about my manager’s store policy: customers are not allowed to loiter and will be forced to leave within thirty minutes. With that in mind, I suggested that her father go to the library for its Wi-Fi to avoid an unfavorable encounter with my manager. Plus, the library is open until nine on weekdays, leaving a wider time frame for those type of tasks. For that, I earned disrespect from her. Frustrated with her for accusing me of being “judgmental” and “trying to kick him out,” I told her specifically that choice is entirely up to the manager as she is the only one with the power to do so.
That experience made me realize something important: she was not far from the person she was back in middle school, over-sensitive and delusional. She hears what she wants to hear and cannot bear any negative feedback. Time after time, she has proven herself to be selfish and completely ignorant of how she hurts other people. Most interactions with her are stressful. Not once did I remember not having drama in my life because of her constantly instigating drama and then hiding behind a guise of innocence. She misused my kindness and hid behind excuses. For insulting my appearance, she told me she was feeling terrible about hers and, wanted a "confidence booster" and outlet for her negativity. According to her, she knew that I "would understand." For never visiting me, she told me it was because my mother hated her. That is a fact. Because she did not visit me, I visited her because she begged me and for that, my mom beat me. Of course I was angry with her for multiple reasons that I don't remember now, but she never gave me a proper apology.
She is eighteen-years-old and, does not know how to take responsibility and admit her wrongs because of her victim complex. I remember the days when she had straight As and in high school, her grades plummeted, leaving her to resort to home schooling and charter school where she had little outside social interaction. As of now, she is in community college and I do not know whether she will transfer. It seems that our stages in life have flip-flopped. While I have never let my grades go below average, I was once an uncomfortable little girl. I had no direction with carrying myself socially. I took the longer path to destinations to avoid being seen. I hated what I saw in the mirror and regretted the majority of my actions because I felt that I was an absolute failure in social conduct. Going into high school, I realized my passion, yet I chose to skirt around by enrolling in a community college. I kept my options open and in the end, this has only reaffirmed my love for art. I know where I am headed in life, though I can't say the same for her.
I do not necessarily hate or dislike her. In fact, she was a large part of my life when I was younger and that has shaped the person I am. However, I am astonished by how varied our lifestyles are now. Never would I have guessed that this would be our paths in life back in eighth grade.
Last Thursday, I had a seven-hour shift at work and during my ten-minute break, I caught sight of a man I once knew. He was the father of my ex-best friend, whom I now have a very convoluted, unstable relationship with. Amused with seeing a familiar face, I sent his daughter a text. I then received a friendly reply about him being unemployed and using the restaurant’s free Internet connection to complete online job applications. I simply informed her about my manager’s store policy: customers are not allowed to loiter and will be forced to leave within thirty minutes. With that in mind, I suggested that her father go to the library for its Wi-Fi to avoid an unfavorable encounter with my manager. Plus, the library is open until nine on weekdays, leaving a wider time frame for those type of tasks. For that, I earned disrespect from her. Frustrated with her for accusing me of being “judgmental” and “trying to kick him out,” I told her specifically that choice is entirely up to the manager as she is the only one with the power to do so.
That experience made me realize something important: she was not far from the person she was back in middle school, over-sensitive and delusional. She hears what she wants to hear and cannot bear any negative feedback. Time after time, she has proven herself to be selfish and completely ignorant of how she hurts other people. Most interactions with her are stressful. Not once did I remember not having drama in my life because of her constantly instigating drama and then hiding behind a guise of innocence. She misused my kindness and hid behind excuses. For insulting my appearance, she told me she was feeling terrible about hers and, wanted a "confidence booster" and outlet for her negativity. According to her, she knew that I "would understand." For never visiting me, she told me it was because my mother hated her. That is a fact. Because she did not visit me, I visited her because she begged me and for that, my mom beat me. Of course I was angry with her for multiple reasons that I don't remember now, but she never gave me a proper apology.
She is eighteen-years-old and, does not know how to take responsibility and admit her wrongs because of her victim complex. I remember the days when she had straight As and in high school, her grades plummeted, leaving her to resort to home schooling and charter school where she had little outside social interaction. As of now, she is in community college and I do not know whether she will transfer. It seems that our stages in life have flip-flopped. While I have never let my grades go below average, I was once an uncomfortable little girl. I had no direction with carrying myself socially. I took the longer path to destinations to avoid being seen. I hated what I saw in the mirror and regretted the majority of my actions because I felt that I was an absolute failure in social conduct. Going into high school, I realized my passion, yet I chose to skirt around by enrolling in a community college. I kept my options open and in the end, this has only reaffirmed my love for art. I know where I am headed in life, though I can't say the same for her.
I do not necessarily hate or dislike her. In fact, she was a large part of my life when I was younger and that has shaped the person I am. However, I am astonished by how varied our lifestyles are now. Never would I have guessed that this would be our paths in life back in eighth grade.
"Sometimes you’re 23 and standing in the kitchen of your house making breakfast and brewing coffee and listening to music that for some reason is really getting to your heart. You’re just standing there thinking about going to work and picking up your dry cleaning. And also more exciting things like books you’re reading and trips you plan on taking and relationships that are springing into existence. Or fading from your memory, which is far less exciting. And suddenly you just don’t feel at home in your skin or in your house and you just want home but 'Mom’s' probably wouldn’t feel like home anymore either. There used to be the comfort of a number in your phone and ears that listened everyday and arms that were never for anyone else. But just to calm you down when you started feeling trapped in a five-minute period where nostalgia is too much and thoughts of this person you are feel foreign. When you realize that you’ll never be this young again but this is the first time you’ve ever been this old. When you can’t remember how you got from sixteen to here and all the same feel like sixteen is just as much of a stranger to you now. The song is over. The coffee’s done. You’re going to breath in and out. You’re going to be fine in about five minutes." ~Kalyn RoseAnne
Thursday, February 14, 2013
I hope that when/if I am proposed to, it is a beautiful, amazing, romantic, special moment.
Monday, February 11, 2013
Spent about one hour looking at Banana Republic runway photos. Their designs are beautiful.

Sunday, February 10, 2013
Looks like I can't sleep tonight. Already 3:14 AM and my thoughts are just in a jumbled up bunch, exploding and bouncing about in my head. As always, I am thinking about the future and an artistic career. I'm only 18 and I've barely tasted life. I cannot possibly fathom how people can easily decide where and what they want to do with their lives. In about 17 years, an enormous decision must be made: choose a college as well as major, and use that as a setting point to guide you for the rest of your lives. I can't do that.
Hopefully I do not give off an arrogant impression–I know I carry an artistic capacity. While I am not the most talented, I do have some talent in art. I chose not to pursue an art career directly by attending an art school. In fact, I am in community college, partly because I am nervous and insecure, partly because I want to avoid making a concrete decision, partly because I am afraid of the hardships of pursuing my impossible, yet reachable dreams, and partly because I don't want to see myself fail if I do fail. (I plan to transfer to an art school later on though.)
An insurance agent visited my household the other day to discuss finance with my parents and implement added structure to our past insurance plan. He asked about my older brother and his future. Then, the topic changed to me and my aspirations.
Insurance Agent: So what does Stephanie want to do? Does she have a job yet?
Mom: She is going to have a job. (My first day of work was after this day.) And she says she wants to go into fine arts. We are letting them (my brothers & I) make their own decisions and they're adults.
Insurance Agent: (laughs) Don't like only 10% only make it? It sounds interesting, but I don't think that's financially stable.
Mom: Well, she will have to learn for herself.
Yesterday, I met an employee from Amgen Inc. What he told me was also disheartening. He suggested that my endeavors with art should be switched over to science. I don't doubt that a career associated with the study of science would be extremely rewarding, but I simply cannot see myself in that field. As I continued my conversation with him, he suggested doing art "on the side" with science as my main focus. From childhood to even now, I have remained passionate about art and to hear those mincing words yet again, I feel bitter.
As of now, my feelings would be best described as "shaken." I don't feel like I have a strong support system and the constant spewing of the difficulties of an art based career doesn't soothe my lack of confidence. I remember my friend's father, a successful commercial artist, telling me the difficulties of the pursuit for an artistic future. It was not a "you cannot survive being an artist," but "it is difficult to become an artist because you need a great deal of training and heart." He has reworded that to me several times and me, being the weak person that I am, let those words trouble me. When I am unable to affirm my worth and value my skills, I convince myself that I cannot become what I want to become, because I do not take it seriously. In reality, it seems that I take it so seriously that I discourage myself. Not surprisingly, I am my worst critic.
Funny how revelations come late at night. I suddenly had a rush of memories and remembered how he told me that art was his greatest passion, that he took whatever art class caught his interest, that he honed his skill as an artist, and with that knowledge blended together, he was able to decipher a specific art job to dedicate himself to for the rest of his life. That being said, I will try to stop complicating my situation and when I am in an art school, I will take part in as many art classes possible that appeal to me and dictate my life. Call me a selfish American girl, but if not many people believe in me, I suppose I will have to pave my own path. The decision has not come easy for me, and skirting around instead of directing myself under a specific art path seems stressful. I have wasted so much time. I will let my interests guide and I will decide from there.
Also, according to The Huffington Post, graphic design, multimedia artists/animators, architecture, and interior design are fields with bright futures. Perhaps I will look into that and find light where I have always found a dark, uncertain unknown. I've been be intensely focused on fashion; maybe I should learn to design patterns and prints! I really don't know. I'm scared and this stressful mindset isn't helping me. I just need to be hopeful and let the pieces fall where they fall.
Hopefully I do not give off an arrogant impression–I know I carry an artistic capacity. While I am not the most talented, I do have some talent in art. I chose not to pursue an art career directly by attending an art school. In fact, I am in community college, partly because I am nervous and insecure, partly because I want to avoid making a concrete decision, partly because I am afraid of the hardships of pursuing my impossible, yet reachable dreams, and partly because I don't want to see myself fail if I do fail. (I plan to transfer to an art school later on though.)
An insurance agent visited my household the other day to discuss finance with my parents and implement added structure to our past insurance plan. He asked about my older brother and his future. Then, the topic changed to me and my aspirations.
Insurance Agent: So what does Stephanie want to do? Does she have a job yet?
Mom: She is going to have a job. (My first day of work was after this day.) And she says she wants to go into fine arts. We are letting them (my brothers & I) make their own decisions and they're adults.
Insurance Agent: (laughs) Don't like only 10% only make it? It sounds interesting, but I don't think that's financially stable.
Mom: Well, she will have to learn for herself.
Yesterday, I met an employee from Amgen Inc. What he told me was also disheartening. He suggested that my endeavors with art should be switched over to science. I don't doubt that a career associated with the study of science would be extremely rewarding, but I simply cannot see myself in that field. As I continued my conversation with him, he suggested doing art "on the side" with science as my main focus. From childhood to even now, I have remained passionate about art and to hear those mincing words yet again, I feel bitter.
As of now, my feelings would be best described as "shaken." I don't feel like I have a strong support system and the constant spewing of the difficulties of an art based career doesn't soothe my lack of confidence. I remember my friend's father, a successful commercial artist, telling me the difficulties of the pursuit for an artistic future. It was not a "you cannot survive being an artist," but "it is difficult to become an artist because you need a great deal of training and heart." He has reworded that to me several times and me, being the weak person that I am, let those words trouble me. When I am unable to affirm my worth and value my skills, I convince myself that I cannot become what I want to become, because I do not take it seriously. In reality, it seems that I take it so seriously that I discourage myself. Not surprisingly, I am my worst critic.
Funny how revelations come late at night. I suddenly had a rush of memories and remembered how he told me that art was his greatest passion, that he took whatever art class caught his interest, that he honed his skill as an artist, and with that knowledge blended together, he was able to decipher a specific art job to dedicate himself to for the rest of his life. That being said, I will try to stop complicating my situation and when I am in an art school, I will take part in as many art classes possible that appeal to me and dictate my life. Call me a selfish American girl, but if not many people believe in me, I suppose I will have to pave my own path. The decision has not come easy for me, and skirting around instead of directing myself under a specific art path seems stressful. I have wasted so much time. I will let my interests guide and I will decide from there.
Also, according to The Huffington Post, graphic design, multimedia artists/animators, architecture, and interior design are fields with bright futures. Perhaps I will look into that and find light where I have always found a dark, uncertain unknown. I've been be intensely focused on fashion; maybe I should learn to design patterns and prints! I really don't know. I'm scared and this stressful mindset isn't helping me. I just need to be hopeful and let the pieces fall where they fall.
Sunday, February 3, 2013
"He awoke each morning with the desire to do right, to be a good and meaningful person, to be, as simple as it sounded and as impossible as it actually was, happy. And during the course of each day his heart would descend from his chest into his stomach. By early afternoon he was overcome by the feeling that nothing was right, or nothing was right for him, and by the desire to be alone. By evening he was fulfilled: alone in the magnitude of his grief, alone in his aimless guilt, alone even in his loneliness. I am not sad, he would repeat to himself over and over, I am not sad. As if he might one day convince himself. Or fool himself. Or convince others–the only thing worse than being sad is for others to know that you are sad. I am not sad. I am not sad. Because his life had unlimited potential for happiness, insofar as it was an empty white room. He would fall asleep with his heart at the foot of his bed, like some domesticated animal that was no part of him at all. And each morning he would wake with it again in the cupboard of his rib cage, having become a little heavier, a little weaker, but still pumping. And by the midafternoon he was again overcome with the desire to be somewhere else, someone else, someone else somewhere else. I am not sad." ~Jonathan Safran Foer
Saturday, February 2, 2013
You were the one who told me the season will end peacefully
The differently colored memories gather
Goodbye to the person who loved me
Goodbye to the person who loved me
Wavering in these eyes
Like a feeling I've been cut off from
I couldn't trust it from the start
As I was left behind by this ever changing street
As I was left behind by this ever changing street
Those people, who were always coming and going
Can be felt now in the distance
Even the noise grows dim
And fades away in a single breath
I look at your vacant seat
On this boring holiday
You are in my heart forever
Though I pretend to not notice and act in pretense
I was drowned in it, always
Thinking about someone
Because even a side view of his face was heavenly
You were the one who told me the season will end peacefully
The differently colored memories gather
Goodbye to the person who loved me
Goodbye to the person who loved me
Wavering in these eyes
Now, how many more times will he be near me?
So, I will keep time for how long this feeling lasts
It is like a wave; it's calm and then retreats
This heart was carried off
Even today the city fills me with thoughts as ever
I draw them each individually...
Goodbye, to that person who loved me
Yearning for the distant sky
Wavering in these eyes
This ever changing street, overflowed with a sigh
I draw them each individually...
Goodbye, to that person who loved me
Yearning for the distant sky
Wavering in these eyes
This ever changing street, overflowed with a sigh
Life Update
Already, it is 6:19 AM and yet again, I have failed to sleep at a regular time. I am sure that as the year progresses, the workload from school and other activities will act as an outlet for my excess energy.
What have I accomplished so far? Finish one semester of school and begin a second one. Check. Get a job. (Got one within two weeks.) Check. Get an invitation from a honor society for "superior academic performance"? Wasn't expecting that.
I have yet to confirm my membership in the honor society. While I do recognize the benefits of joining one, I am worried about how much time I would be able to reserve for the honor society. I plan to attend the orientation and with that, I wish to tailor my schedule around school, work, and the honor society. I truly do not want to give up any academic opportunities.
So far, I have only taking courses that are required in my community college. Of course, I want to transfer into a school that focuses on/associated with my career interest, art. Now that I have job, I will have money. I want to increase the probability of being successful/skillful in art. Perhaps I will save money for an art program/classes. I believe I need to figure out which art school I want to be in enrolled in first though. Then, I could adjust my schedule and take units transferable to that school.
So many paths to take and ways it could branch out!
What have I accomplished so far? Finish one semester of school and begin a second one. Check. Get a job. (Got one within two weeks.) Check. Get an invitation from a honor society for "superior academic performance"? Wasn't expecting that.
I have yet to confirm my membership in the honor society. While I do recognize the benefits of joining one, I am worried about how much time I would be able to reserve for the honor society. I plan to attend the orientation and with that, I wish to tailor my schedule around school, work, and the honor society. I truly do not want to give up any academic opportunities.
So far, I have only taking courses that are required in my community college. Of course, I want to transfer into a school that focuses on/associated with my career interest, art. Now that I have job, I will have money. I want to increase the probability of being successful/skillful in art. Perhaps I will save money for an art program/classes. I believe I need to figure out which art school I want to be in enrolled in first though. Then, I could adjust my schedule and take units transferable to that school.
So many paths to take and ways it could branch out!
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Misjudging one's own life is extremely easy. Simple pleasures come at little to no cost and, troubles fade in and out like a gentle breeze. Having always lived in a safety net otherwise known as Camarillo, a peaceful city full of old people, I believe I have lived a nice life overall. That being said, I have reason to be tremendously grateful. Many people are kind to me and consistently forgiving. For their grace, I feel that I am in debt to them. In recognition of the expectations and responsibilities placed upon me, I wish to improve myself.
I am grateful to my family, especially my parents despite their draconian methods.
I am grateful to the Lee family for becoming a second family to me.
I am grateful for the friends that have supported me and remained in contact with me, refusing to let their connection with me to die.
I am so grateful to many people that I wish I could write them all an essay, describing their worth to me. However, it would be an extremely ineffective process as I would not be able to find the proper words.
I am grateful to my family, especially my parents despite their draconian methods.
I am grateful to the Lee family for becoming a second family to me.
I am grateful for the friends that have supported me and remained in contact with me, refusing to let their connection with me to die.
I am so grateful to many people that I wish I could write them all an essay, describing their worth to me. However, it would be an extremely ineffective process as I would not be able to find the proper words.
Saturday, January 5, 2013
New Year's Day Car Conversation & Wedding Brainstorm
Dad: None of them are going to even have a kid until they get married and I don't know when that's going to happen.
Mom: (laughing) I think it will be you or Adam (my little brother).
Since that conversation, I tried to visualize how my own wedding would be (if I were to get married). To some level, I see it as a great financial burden, yet at the same time, I think of it as a wonderful opportunity. It's really an odd mix of intimacy and public celebration.
What comes to mind is a gentle, yet romantic theme that utilizes as soft palette of white, gold, and pastel. I adore dresses Grecian in style with an interesting mix of delicate draping and an element of elegance. Considering my bust size, support up top is preferable. My bottom half is nearly four inches wider than my torso, fabric that does not cling to the body (especially my lower region) and flares out from my natural waist line is highly recommended.

As for my bridesmaids' dresses, I find bold, opaque colors somewhat gaudy and would prefer them to stick to colors such as ivory or rose pink. I recognize that in some weddings, bridesmaids can wear different dresses as long as they are in the same color. However, I feel that uniform outfits for the bridesmaids give a more "complete" or sophisticated attitude.

Many women look completely different with their hair in an updo. If the wedding is more formal, I might opt for a messy updo and it seems the most appropriate. Depending on the dress (how much skin is showing) and casualness of the environment, I could have my hair gathered to the side in a side ponytail. I adore wispy, layered hairstyles because it can maintain a degree of formality and appear interesting, yet striking in texture.

Additionally, a good photographer is a must! S/he must be able to move you and carry the ability to capture the emotion and sentiment within her/his photographs. Taking wedding photos the day of the ceremony will eat up a great deal of time. Taking them beforehand ensures that the photos turn out perfectly and, leaves more private time to be alone, take photos, and spend time with guests. Overall, stress levels will be lowered and by being relaxed, that will naturally translate into better photos.
Of course budgetary constraints are undoubtedly a major factor. Customization of dresses removes the factor of alterations and the dress could be tailored to suit my taste, which is helpful, especially if I prove to be a picky bride. Dress rental is another option. However, I would have to be extremely careful with choosing and dress care, and be quick as well as decisive.
The venue shapes the overall theme of the wedding and can set multiple moods, which range from ethereal, to luxurious, to quaint/rustic, and many more. I couldn't word this better: "From rainforests to beach views, rolling hills to beautiful gardens, chapels and beyond, wedding venues are home to the most picturesque backdrops for a wedding that you can find." They are able to accommodate to things often overlooked in non-professional venues such as parking and handicap access. Moreover, if a multi-purpose venue is used, it can become the site of the ceremony and reception, thereby eliminating the question of how guests will go from one location to the other. As a result, large hotels are favorable because discounted accommodations are made for guests and it can become a place to stay for out-of-town guests or act as a honeymoon suite for the bride and groom.
With a beautiful venue as your backdrop, you do not have to worry as much about decorations, which can be a major expense. Getting married in a garden? No need to spend hundred and hundreds on flowers. Also, if the ceremony and reception are close, decorations may be reused and transported with ease.
Weddings are an important chapter in people's lives and usually happen once. Therefore, preparation is important and can become laborious. At each table is a centerpiece. Cost-effectiveness should be integrated with creativity. Usage of unscented floating candles seems like a great choice.

Dimmed lights help create a romantic atmosphere, along with a beautiful arrangement of flowers. Lanterns of different shapes and sizes could be hung around and fabrics could be used as a decorative element, such drapery for the walls or ribbon adorning chairs and bouquets.

As with most celebrations, cake is needed! Monochromatic in theme, white cakes are like blank canvases that can be manipulated into a stunning confection, while preserving class and a sweet taste.

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