Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Don't Do Drugs

Don't do drugs.

The phrase is so simple, words we have all heard, reiterated time and time again, yet at the same time, it is tremendously demeaning. According to social constructs, drugs are seen through a negative lens, which then causes the people who associate with drugs to be dehumanized. This proves to be true in certain events such as death. When an individual's drug use costs him, his/her, her own life, some level of tact and sensitivity is expected. However, the incident incites the unexpected: apathy. The responses may range from "I knew this would happen," "I knew this was going to happen," "this was his/her fault for doing drugs," to even "s/he deserved it."

As humans, we truly haven't come that far in advances. Who are we to say who deserves to die? Are we even educated enough to truly come to that decision? Today, consumption of drugs is still popular, as it was back in the past, despite the fact it may not have the most pleasant taste or odor. This raises the question: "Why are people willing to involve themselves with self-destruction?"

Why is that? Do they feel lost in their own life? Have we lost ourselves? Do we need drugs to find ourselves? Or are we simply bored, bored of a painfully average life? Do we need that injection for a wave of euphoria and excitement? Or is it a result of social alienation? A need for acceptance?

Whatever the reason, I will not closed-mindedly base my judgment of that person on their choice to do drugs. Adults have always told the younger generation, from childhood to adulthood, to not sacrifice their bodies to drugs. Uttering those three words: "Don't do drugs", people indirectly belittle other people's intelligence. The intention is to put an end to drugs, but the approach only creates a negative aftershock.

Have they taken the drug user’s circumstances into consideration? Or do they know? Then, why do they still repeat that phrase? The reason is: they (may have) made mistakes, some avoidable and some that remain as scars. With that in mind, people still choose to test that theory and not all times will the outcome be favorable, but tragic.

All in all, condemnation and enforcing one's opinion onto others is not the appropriate answer. We all undergo inner turmoil and to some people, drugs exist to compensate for their insecurities, numb their physical/emotional pain, or to appease boredom. Instilled with a various circumstances and upbringings, people will control their lives and walk a different path.

Drug use remains a controversial topic, carrying many positive aspects, as it does negatives. How an individual conducts his or her lifestyle is not any other person's concern. In no shape or form am I arguing that people should not involve themselves with drugs; we are entitled to our choices. Bearing this mind, one must demonstrate kindness, which will beget further kindness.

Please take care of yourself and your body. Most of all, show grace and spread benevolence.


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